Why Use Mulch This Spring

As of March 20th, spring has finally arrived, even if the temperatures do not reflect it. In the spirit of celebrating the upcoming warmer weather, we thought it would be helpful to get everyone thinking about the advantages of using mulch in landscaping this spring.

Helps Soil Retain Water- The sun can dry out soil quickly, but when you surround your plants with mulch, it will help the ground retain more water. Now you can save time and money because you can water your plants less.

Insulation- We previously mentioned that mulch helps insulate plants in the winter, but it also does the same thing in spring and summer. During the warmer months, mulch protects from the heat and will help keep plants cooler.

Prevents Soil Erosion- Weather can create soil erosion, whether it is the wind blowing away the topsoil or the rain washing it away. By placing mulch around your plants and throughout your landscaping, you can prevent soil erosion from happening in your yard.

Call us at (703) 361-7365 to get a quote for mulch in Fairfax, VA, or the surrounding areas. We can help you determine how much mulch you will need for your particular landscaping project.

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